



Statutes of the Student Initiative eLab from May 5, 2017, updated on May 4, 2023

The following is a translation for reading purposes. The binding version is the german original.


  1. 1These statutes supplement the statutes of the student body of the University of Siegen. 2If any part of these statutes contradicts the currently valid higher-ranking regulations, only that part of the statutes will be nullified.

§ 1 Name

  1. The initiative is called eLab.

§ 2 Goals

  1. 1The initiative maintains a student electronics laboratory in room H-H 002, hereinafter referred to as eLab. 2The laboratory promotes the spirit of research and practical experience of the students.

§ 3 Membership

  1. Every member accepts the laboratory rules of the eLab.
  2. 1A prerequisite for membership is compliance with the laboratory rules. 2In the event of violations of the laboratory rules, the board (according to § 5) reserves the right to sanction up to and including exclusion from the initiative.
  3. Every member can declare their resignation at any time in writing or orally at a meeting or general assembly.
  4. 1After six months of inactivity or deregistration, a member automatically resigns. 3Inactivity is defined as a member not responding to a personal email.
  5. Re-admission to membership is possible unless paragraph 2 sentence 2 led to the resignation.

§ 4 Organs of the Initiative

The organs of the initiative are:

  1. The Board (according to § 5)
  2. The General Assembly (according to § 7)

§ 5 Board

  1. The board consists of three, five, or seven members.
  2. 1The board is elected at least once a year at the general assembly by a two-thirds majority. 2During re-election, the discharge of the previous board is voted on.
  3. The following positions must be filled by board members:
    • Speaker
    • Financial Officer
    • Treasurer
    • Safety Officer
  4. 1A deputy can be elected for each of these positions. 2Holding multiple offices is possible, §18 Abs. 5 HWVO NRW remains unaffected.
  5. The Speaker convenes the meetings and leads the discussions.
  6. 1The Financial Officer conducts the ongoing business of the initiative according to the budget plan and gives payment instructions to the Treasurer. 2The Financial Officer has veto power in financial decisions. 3Expenditures from €50.01 to €200 can be decided by a majority of all board members without a meeting and must be reported at the next meeting, where the Financial Officer also has veto power. 4Expenditures from €200.01 require a vote at a meeting. 5The Financial Officer prepares the budget plan for the following fiscal year.
  7. The Treasurer executes the payment instructions of the Financial Officer.
  8. 1A board member can resign at any time in writing or orally at a general assembly, which requires an immediate re-election according to paragraph 2. 2If the resignation vacates the member's position, the member must continue to provisionally manage the position.
  9. Each board member has unrestricted house rights in the eLab rooms. 2House rights should only be exercised in case of violations of the laboratory rules or the principles of the constituted student body.
  10. 1A constructive vote of no confidence can be expressed against any board member at a general assembly. 2A vote of no confidence requires a two-thirds majority of the members present at the general assembly.

§ 6 Meetings

  1. The initiative holds regular meetings to manage day-to-day business.
  2. 1The Speaker invites to meetings with at least seven days' notice via the mailing list and another public channel. 2The invitation includes the planned agenda.
  3. The meeting is quorate if properly invited and half of the board is present.
  4. 1Every member of the initiative is entitled to vote. 2Decisions are made by a simple majority.
  5. 1In urgent cases, a vote can be conducted by email with justification. 2The voting period is at least 24 hours. 3The decision is valid if two-thirds of all board members have voted and recognized the urgency.
  6. 1The meetings are public. 2Upon request by two-thirds of those present, parts of the meeting can be held in private.

§ 7 General Assembly

  1. The general assembly takes place at least once a year during the lecture period.
  2. The general assembly is convened by the board or at the request of half of the members of the initiative.
  3. 1The general assembly must be announced at least eight days in advance by posting in the eLab and via the mailing list and another university public channel.
  4. 2The invitation includes the planned agenda.
  5. 1The general assembly is quorate if properly invited, and the board and five other members are present unless this exceeds the total number of members. 2If the quorum is not met, the board must promptly convene a new general assembly, which is then quorate if properly invited. Decisions are made by a simple majority of the members present unless otherwise regulated.
  6. The general assembly approves the budget plan for the following fiscal year.
  7. The general assembly elects a cashier and an auditor once a year, who are not members of the board.

§ 8 Suspension

  1. 1If no board can be elected according to § 5 paragraphs 2 and 8, a new general assembly date must be announced immediately according to § 7 paragraph 3. 2If it is again not possible to elect a board at this general assembly, suspension must be initiated immediately.
  2. The eLab rooms must be closed within seven days by the provisional board, and all members and users denied access unless they need to perform tasks according to paragraph 3.
  3. 1Within one week thereafter, a cash audit, an account audit, and an inventory must be conducted. 2All resources are then handed over to the FSR eti for provisional management.
  4. 1If new members are found, the FSR eti is obligated to convene a general assembly, which is quorate if properly invited according to § 7 paragraph 3. 2If a new board is elected, all resources are promptly handed over to them.

§ 9 Amendment of the Statutes

  1. An amendment to these statutes requires the approval of two-thirds of a general assembly.
en/public/statutes.txt · Zuletzt geändert: 2024/07/30 12:20 von Schmitt, Johannes

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